Summer is here and we all know that summers have become more scorching with every passing day. It not only drains your energy but also has a serious health risk which can also be fatal. As per the health specialist doctor in Ahmedabad, the summer season can be dangerous for those who are on heart or blood pressure medication and those who have experienced heart failure.

The best cardiologist in Ahmedabad explains that during hot days the heart has to pump harder to carry out the sweating process. For those who have a heart problem, this can cause stress to their cardiovascular system. 

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Summers can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Heat exhaustion happens when the body is fairly overheated. You’ll experience symptoms like sweating, nausea, racing heartbeat, slightly faint or dizziness. Take a treatment quickly to avoid heat stroke. 

When your body is extremely overheated it could be a heat stroke. You may see Signs such as no sweating, passing out, vomiting and dry skin. This is a medical emergency and you should visit your nearest doctor. If you are someone from Ahmedabad with heart disease, go to a cardiologist doctor in Ahmedabad.

Summertime Heart Care

You can easily take care of your heart during summers and avoid the repercussions of the scorching heat. Here are 5 ways suggested by the best cardiologist doctor in Ahmedabad to make the most out of the summer season without getting ill. 

  1. Hydrate yourself 

Keep drinking water at fixed intervals. It is very crucial to hydrate your body. Don’t wait till you feel thirsty. When you are facing the sun you must have plenty of fluid within your body. If your urine is pale/colourless then it means you are having enough water. However, if it looks very dark and concentrated, you need to start drinking more water. You can also have fruit juices, but water works the best.

2. Stay away from alcohol

It is best for your body that you stay away from excessive alcohol consumption. In case you drink, try including more water and avoid binge drinking. It can cause problems to your heart and interfere with your body’s cooling mechanism. 

3. Wear light clothes 

Wear lightweight, cotton and breathable clothes in light shades. Avoid dark colours and heavy cloth materials. You should also shield your head with a cap or scarf. It’s also good to apply sunscreen on the body parts that are exposed to the sun. 

4. Avoid stepping out during peak hours

The heat is at its peak during the afternoon. Avoid going out during that time. In case you do, make sure you are hydrated and properly covered. 

5. Attune yourself to heat

Adapt to the hot environment. Start spending some minutes under the sun to let your body adjust to the temperature and humidity. 

If you live in Ahmedabad and are facing any heart problems due to summer heat or any other reason, connect now with us to get an appointment with the best heart specialist doctor in Ahmedabad.


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